"i'm stuffed"

many folks called him "shasty," but it was originally "shasta," from the
wb's lovely show, "shasta mcnasty." we used to watch that garbage in
disbelief of how bad tv has become.
but regardless of what the name morphed into, i think it's evident that we
all came to know and love him just the same.
i knew shasta back in the days of atlanta, where he & my dad were great
buds. when my family and i moved to denver, shasta followed. in fact, he
lived with me & my family until he got a place of his own. during that time,
he became almost like a brother to me.
shasta was, indeed, the master of the grill, the master of the kitchen and
the best pal to have around at any given event. he rarely had an unkind word
to say about anybody and was always reminding folks to get out and live a
little. he had an easy laugh and was always there to lend an ear or go on
some kind of adventure. "i'm stuffed" was his favorite phrase to use after
we got done pigging out on whatever yumalicious food he turned me onto.
all i know is that gelatto doesn't taste the same with salty tears in it.
and even when the tears stop flowing, it still will never be the same.
we miss and love you.